In 1967, Roger Patterson was immortalizing a famous creature photo like as ape in
Many Amazing Real News
Minggu, 27 Februari 2011
Yeti is a very bad snow human. He like as the most famous ape. Possible, he’s human’s far family. The himalaya believe there’s Yeti. Just possible, on the corner mount like as Himalaya, there are scarce creature live there. In 1975, In Himalaya, Poland climber with Janusz Tomaszczuk explain that theirself was arrived by the creature like as ape. Their scream make that animal runs away.

Although almost every earth land was charted and thousand of creature is wrote by history, some humans believe there’s the alien far away. Attacking and kidnapping the alien is popular theme in scientific fiction story. As like as, we need the real enemy for centering our afraid feeling.

In much things, the one was afraid by human is himself if the human continues exploitationing natural resources, we worried that will not leave behind something for our generation. More and more many humans, more and more something that we producted with machine, and more and more much the pollution,too. May be we are the most horrify.
The computer continue take a change position life human. The robot help make a car, moreover make a change. How if they’re mistake? How if “bug” is a computer program make it should haven’t been with run, or virus broken it? The computer causes plane, manages bank , and restrains hospital equipment. What happened if machines make something without humans? That’s an idea more stupid than mount gorilla story or a idea that a thunderbolts save our life.
Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
a. Komunikasi mata yang mantap
b. Sikap yang baik
c. Gerak isyarat yang wajar
d. Pakaian dan penampilan yang pantas
e. Suara dan variasi vocal
f. Penggunaan bahasa isyarat yang efektif
g. Keterlibatan hadirin secara aktif
h. Penggunaan humor secara efektif
i. Bersikap secara wajar.
- What’s the monster ?
Why necessary we fett afraid toward the monster? Fear to monster proof there’s dark, unknown, and something that not to understanding by human. Fear to our great-grandparents is natural. Away in our heart, there’s still live cave denizen, there’s still fear to wild animals, there’s still afraid to the foods will eat by us, there’s still afraid to dark, thunder, thunderbolt, solitude, and treasoning.
The instinctive afraid push us to believe there’s the monster. Moreover until now, still many human who afraid a dark, cause the dark like presenting again aomething that unkown. With turn off a lamp, our eyes can lose us. Mind become not clear again, that we very quick take a conclusion. We thought the monster that isn’t what-what except just our fear ourself.
- What’s the ghost?
Actually nothing know what’s is the ghost. The experience see the ghost had many write in history, but there’s no exact fact. Recearcher rubber straight do research, but until now, a question that there’s no or there’s the ghost, still not answer yet. All come back again to our firm belief. Until now, many who be conviced about the ghost is soul person be dead. Can’t be denied again, that firm belief be related to religion, superstition, culture, or scientific theory. Detached from our view about it, had many incident explain the ghosts appereance. Certain, this interest phenomena coud not be neglectfuled only that. Last, Is there true behind this all???
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